Artists Title Year isOriginalTune Riddim Producers Label
Dillinger Addis Ababa Ethiopia 1973 Satta Massagana Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Answer My Question 1973 Answer Bunny Striker Lee Striker Lee
Dillinger Dub Organiser 1973 He Prayed / Dub Organiser Lee Scratch Perry Upsetter
Dillinger Headquarters 1973 Black Boy In A Ring Lee Scratch Perry Upsetter
Dillinger Leggo Violence 1973 Please Be True Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Lier Linda 1973 A Love I Can Feel Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Three Piece Suit 1973 I'm Still In Love With You Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Trial And Crosses 1973 Give Me The Right Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Uncle Charlie 1973 Uncle Charlie Lee Scratch Perry Upsetter
Dillinger & The Upsetters Mid-East Rock 1973 You Can Run Lee Scratch Perry Downtown
Dillinger & The Upsetters Tighten Up Skank 1973 Tighten Up Lee Scratch Perry Justice League
Dillinger Cocky Bully 1974 Let The Power Fall Max Romeo Lord Koos
Dillinger Daylight Saving Time 1974 Clock (1) Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Festival Rock 1974 Let The Power Fall Max Romeo Lord Koos
Dillinger Flat Foot Hustling (1) 1974 Have No Fear Winston Holness Observer
Dillinger God Is Standing By 1974 My Girl (1) Prince Tony Robinson High School
Dillinger Regular Girl 1974 Mean Girl Bunny Striker Lee Attack
Dillinger Flour Dumpling Kill A Man 1975 Vanity Errol Thompson Errol T
Dillinger Flour Dumpling Kill A Man 1975 ~Unknown (108) Joe Gibbs & Errol Thompson Errol T
Dillinger Fountain On The Mountain 1975 Real Rock Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Freshly 1975 Jah Vengeance Yabby U
Dillinger Leave The Area 1975 Bangarang (1) Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Natty Kung Fu 1975 Freedom Blues Coxsone Dodd Forward
Dillinger Natty Ten To One 1975 Ten To One Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Ready Natty Dreadie 1975 Freedom Blues Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Stop The War 1975 Heptones Gonna Fight Scorcher Forward
Dillinger Truth And Right 1975 ~Unknown (206) Bunny Striker Lee Magnum
Dillinger & Sound Dimension Version 2 1975 Heptones Gonna Fight Scorcher Forward
Dillinger African Roots 1976 African Roots Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger African World Wide 1976 Roots Natty Congo Bunny Striker Lee Striker Lee
Dillinger Bongo Man 1976 Roots Natty Congo Bunny Striker Lee Striker Lee
Dillinger C.B. 200 1976 Sunshine For Me Well Charge
Dillinger Caymanas Park (Race Day) 1976 In Cold Blood / Licking Stick Jo Jo Hookim Well Charge
Dillinger Cocaine In My Brain (1) 1976 Cocaine In My Brain Jo Jo Hookim
Dillinger Cocaine In My Brain (2) 1976 Cocaine In My Brain Jo Jo Hookim
Dillinger Eastman Skank 1976 Ballistic Affair Jo Jo Hookim Channel One
Dillinger Ital Fighting 1976 Freedom Blues Jo Jo Hookim Island
Dillinger Killer Man Jaro 1976 Freedom Blues Coxsone Dodd Forward
Dillinger Melting Pot 1976 Stalag Winston Riley Techniques
Dillinger Natty A General 1976 General (1) Jo Jo Hookim Steady
Dillinger Natty BSC 1976 Things And Time Jo Jo Hookim
Dillinger Natty Kick Like Lightning 1976 Freedom Blues Jo Jo Hookim Island
Dillinger Natty Sings A Hit Song 1976 Hit Song Gayman Albelga & Brent Dowe Arab
Dillinger Plantation Heights 1976 Mean Girl / I Need A Roof Jo Jo Hookim Well Charge
Dillinger Ragnampiza 1976 Unchained Jo Jo Hookim
Dillinger Selassie I 1976 Poor Marcus Jo Jo Hookim Island
Dillinger The Right Dub Wise 1976 Mission Impossible (2) Bunny Striker Lee Magnum
Dillinger Truth And Rights 1976 Mission Impossible (2) Bunny Striker Lee Magnum
Dillinger & Prince Glen Bump Skank 1976 Operation Radication Lloyd Campbell Spider Man
Roy Richards & Dillinger Freedom (Version) 1976 Freedom Blues Coxsone Dodd Forward
The Revolutionaries & Dillinger Natty A General (Version) 1976 General (1) Jo Jo Hookim Steady
Trinity & Dillinger Jesus Dread 1976 King Pharaoh's Plague Yabby U
Dillinger Check Sister Jane 1977 Waiting In Vain Bunny Striker Lee Attack
Dillinger Don't Take Another Man's Life 1977 ~Unknown (332) Bunny Striker Lee Attack
Dillinger Everybody Girl 1977 Happy Go Lucky Girl Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Flat Foot Hustling (2) 1977 Have No Fear Sir Niney Third World
Dillinger In Vain 1977 Waiting In Vain Bunny Striker Lee Third World
Dillinger See And Blind (=Mind Your Own Business) 1977 ~Unknown (333) Bunny Striker Lee Attack
Dillinger Stumbling Block (1) 1977 Love Is Not A Gamble Clem Bushay
Dillinger Tickle Me Girl 1977 Love Me Forever Bunny Striker Lee Scramble
Dillinger War Is Not The Answer 1977 War Bunny Striker Lee Third World
Dillinger & Trinity So Long Rastafari Call 1977 ~Unknown (236) Niney The Observer D.E.B. Music
Hortense Ellis & Dillinger Mark My Word 1977 Mark My Words Bunny Striker Lee Third World
Dillinger First The Girl 1978 Talk About Love Phil Pratt Chanan-Jah
Jacob Miller & Dillinger Bionic Skank 1978 Bionic Skank Arab
Pat Kelly & Dillinger They Talk About Love (Discomix) 1978 Talk About Love Phil Pratt Chanan-Jah
Dillinger Jah Love 1979 Take Five Bunny Striker Lee Jackpot
Dillinger Lion Rock 1979 ~Unknown (234) Isha Morrison Orchid
Dillinger & Ronnie Davis Bump Shank 1979 Operation Radication Lloyd Campbell Joe Frasier
Dillinger Stumbling Block (2) 1981 Love Is Not A Gamble Carlton Patterson Black & White
Dillinger Tribal War 1983 Tribal War Larry Sevitt & Webster Shrowder 10 Records
Dillinger & UB40 Lyric Officer Mk. 2 1985 King Step UB40 & Pablo Falconer
Dillinger Rockers 1986 Cocaine In My Brain Larry Sevitt & Webster Shrowder
Dillinger Soul Food 1986 Cocaine In My Brain Larry Sevitt & Webster Shrowder
Dillinger Duppy Boasty 1988 Answer Romantic
Dillinger Ninja 600 1989 Love Is Not A Gamble / Wicked Inna Bed (1) Bobby Digital Digital-B
Dillinger Big Chat 1990 A Love I Can Feel Paul Anderson & Dillinger
Dillinger Dear Money 1990 Rougher Yet Paul Anderson & Dillinger
Dillinger Original Belly Full 1990 Punanny Paul Anderson & Dillinger
Dillinger Gun Shot 1991 Storm (1) Tappa Zukie Stars
Dillinger Hairy Bank 1992 Armstrong Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare Taxi
Dillinger Cocaine 1994 Stalag Tappa Zukie RAS
Dillinger Ten To One Inna Babylon 1994 Ten To One Tony Asher T Ash Muzik
Dillinger Carry Name 1996 Joy Ride Dennis Star Dennis Star
Dillinger Row Fast 2006 Fisherman Roydel Johnson & Cedric Myton Congo
Dillinger Babylon Bridge Pretty Looks Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Babylon Fever Fever Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Babylon Yard Tenament Yard Bunny Striker Lee
Dillinger Big Score Let Love In Phil Pratt
Dillinger Braces A Boy Braces A Boy Augustus Pablo
Dillinger Connection French Connection Lee Scratch Perry
Dillinger Dub Scrub Them Move Out A Babylon Bunny Striker Lee Striker Lee
Dillinger Dub Them Rasta Vanity Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Gate Number My Heart Is Gone Niney The Observer Observer
Dillinger Healing Stream Not Responsible Carlton Patterson Black & White
Dillinger I Saw E Saw Satta Massagana Clinch
Dillinger I Thurst My Conversation
Dillinger Jamaican Collie Full Up Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Kublicon Bobby Babylon Joe Gibbs
Dillinger Loving Pauper Loving Pauper
Dillinger Mickey Mouse Crab Louse Mister Smart
Dillinger Modern Judas Hypocrites
Dillinger No Promises Real Rock Corner Stone
Dillinger Set Jah Jah Children Free Mojo Rock Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Dillinger Slipe Pen Road Rock Jah Jah Forgive Them
Dillinger Take A Dip Get In The Groove Oswald Hibbert
Dillinger Take It Easy Love Won't Come Easy Augustus Pablo
Dillinger Thank You Jah Thank You Lord Larry Sevitt & Lester Bullocks
Dillinger Three Fifty Four Satta Massagana Oswald Hibbert
Dillinger Wah Do Har Shank I Sheck
Dillinger Youthman Youthman Larry Sevitt & Dillinger
Dillinger & Augustus Pablo Dangerous Sound Boy Vanity Bunny Striker Lee Jackpot
Dillinger & Jah Bible No Promise Real Rock Michael Chin Corner Stone
Dillinger & The Brentford Harmonics Hi Fashion Christmas Bobby Babylon Coxsone Dodd Studio One
Johnny Clarke & Dillinger Commercial Locks Move Out A Babylon Bunny Striker Lee Clocktower
Phillip Fraser & Dillinger Stop The Fussing And Fighting Heavenless Corner Stone